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The same cannot be said for Nick Tate. But sometimes it is necessary to remonstrate against someone who is himself or herself ignoring that same maxim. Swift tells Banker, "I am going to hell -- and my wife is helping me," suggesting that he intends to kill his wife and then himself. It was waiting to see if I would go back and kill the thing. But in wounding the monster as I did in the battle, I made it possible for you to kill it, John. Perhaps. Maybe that did come from the pen of Fred Freiberger, Gerry Anderson not correcting him on this score. A very, very apt name for one who puts pen to paper and then folds pen into its cap, upon completion of a chef d'oeuvre. Only when he is with an approving audience, and no one of import present who might be offended. George Feltenstein of Warner Archive has announced that a four-pack of Blu-Rays of LOONEY TUNES COLLECTOR'S CHOICE will be released alongside the coming to market of VOLUME 4. It will contain the Blu-Rays in the range released up to and including VOLUME 4, offered to persons who for whatever reason chose to eschew purchase of VOLUME 1, VOLUME 2, and VOLUME 3. This is causing people at places on the Internet to forecast an end to the LOONEY TUNES COLLECTOR'S CHOICE line after VOLUME 4. And if the four-pack box does say that it is "the complete collection" of LOONEY TUNES COLLECTOR'S CHOICE, then such a prognostication would be given some considerable credence.

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And it would be unrealistic to expect anyone in the Facebook Space: 1999 groups to do so. I cannot make a claim to being so. Cannot I do that? I cannot wait for November 26 when LOONEY TUNES COLLECTOR'S CHOICE will be released. Not right now. I am so very happy that "Hyde and Go Tweet" will be on VOLUME 4. I hope to have the back cover to LOONEY TUNES COLLECTOR'S CHOICE VOLUME 4 available soon. I can only hope that the much better curated VOLUME 4 will turn the tide and bring consumers back to the COLLECTOR'S CHOICE range. I did that because I wanted to bring the technology of the spaceships back to Earth. And now, I propose to bring to a final close, my coverage of the 2024 Space: 1999 celebration. It was the only time in all of the videos that I have seen of the celebration event, that there was so large an articulated approval.

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But I suppose that I could have refrained from making the description at all. If that is the case, maybe by calling attention to the absence of "Dr. Jerkyl's Hide" on videodisc, I might "get the ball rolling" on people besides myself expressing interest in seeing Alfie chase Sylvester into the lab of Dr. Jerkyl, in luscious High Definition. But I guess two were judged to be enough. Long-time Anderson personnel Dave Lane and Reg Hill were there. There is nothing to suggest a military hierarchy on Moonbase Alpha. Besides, Alpha is not a military operation. Once his power is broken, Alpha will be able to send an Eagle down to pick us up. I was too valuable to Alpha to be lost. He is quite selective in when he says it, too. January 5, 1974 was the day of the party celebrating my eighth birthday. I shouldn't have docked and sent my whole crew into that alien spaceship.

I do not remember Carter ever being called Lieutenant at any time in Season 2. Starlog called Carter Lieutenant in Season 2, but we do know how unreliable that Starlog can be where Space: 1999 is concerned. I know, I have used the terminology of "circle-jerk", to describe how fans act in their groups. And as far as I know, nobody else has said anything about it. I smile at the sight of "Along Came Daffy" (a cartoon with which I maç siteleri go back as far as my life's Era 2). And I am delighted to see "A Bone For a Bone", "Double or Mutton", "Henhouse Henery", "Holiday For Drumsticks", "Leghorn Swoggled", and "Muscle Tussle". Quite. This outpouring of anti-Freiberger, anti-Season 2 hostility, and invalidation of people like myself, has certainly proved me right in my decision to steer far away from the convention circuit. When he finally "gets around" to Season 2 in response to a question from a fan desiring no doubt to hear the most anti-Season 2 tirade possible, he says that he does not really care for Season 2 of Space: 1999. And then he launches into his diatribe. If such does prove to be the case, then so much for my hopes of having "Dr. Jerkyl's Hide" on gorgeous Blu-Ray. It can't be. What does it mean? Year 1' Versus 'Year 2': The Endless Debate" sometime tomorrow. What a pile of horse's droppings! There is no "debate". Just a bandwagon. One point of view that Season 1 is all that there is that is worthy about Space: 1999, that second season is the most foul pile of steaming excrement whose producer's name must be cursed to the Earth's dying day, and that people who think otherwise are garbage humans- unless of course they keep their mouths shut and grovel not to be too harshly besmirched. Every day, more people join the bandwagon, leaving the people who fancy second season in the dust as the bandwagon speeds onward, gathering more and more occupants. Who represents the "Year 2" side of the "debate" at this function? Oh, do not tell me. Let me guess. The very person who presided over my departure from the fan club in the 1990s. "Yessiree". Characterisation is all that there is to Season 2, for the "lovey dovey"-favouring simpletons who value only that sort of thing. Oh, but I am too cynical, right? Surely people do mellow and question their vehemently clung-to biases as they age? No. Not in my experience. It is nice to see so many important people there in recognition of Space: 1999. But I am not going to "kid myself" that there is a place, will ever be a place, for me at such an event. If I do come across as bitter, it is because I am. Someone corresponding with me a year or two ago when I still had access to e-mail, did say that I was one of the greatest fans of Space: 1999. I have that as my solace as I endeavour to live with my bitterness. Someone acknowledges all that I have done for Space: 1999 in my own personal fandom for it, and for that I am grateful. I wish it were an assessment among a sizable minority of people at gatherings such as the one this weekend. But that wish is forlorn. I will say that with yesterday being twenty-five years since September 13, 1999, there was a slight uptick in traffic to my Space: 1999 Page. Ever so slight. But noticeable. Alas, scant indication of stays of longer than thirty seconds on the Web page. The norm now. Across my entire Website. The things that most interest me in the celebration are the extended edits of episodes. No information on the showing of those has come forth as yet. Website updates. Images of more Scholastic Books have been added to my Era 2 memoirs. I have improved an image of a Memorex audiocassette in same memoirs. And in my Era 5 memoirs are some additional images of the cartoon, "All a Bir-r-r-d". All for today. Thursday, September 19, 2024. Fredericton is basking in sunshine with above-normal temperatures. Summer is "holding on", and it is a most welcome thing, as it is usually summer's opposite than cannot resist overstaying its dubious welcome. The main subject again today is the Space: 1999 celebration in London. Video footage of it is being brought onto Facebook, a video here and a video there, some brief, some not. It is heartening to see so many actors and production crew coming in their senior years to attend a celebration of a television programme to which they contributed talents fifty years ago, or thereabouts. I cannot help but feel unnerved at how frail some of them are; the ravages of time, sure to visit their effects upon me, are always unnerving. I struggle to recognise some of the people in the group photographs. I think that I see Jack Klaff. I cannot say for sure. I presume some of the others are stuntmen or extras from certain episodes, but I cannot identify who is who. If Paul Jerricho was there, I do not recognise him. Nick Tate, of course, is always recognisable. So is Catherine Schell. Here is the longest currently available video. It consists of panel and audience being shown video tributes to late writers Johnny Byrne and Christopher Penfold, and a video message from Barbara Bain. The panel members are Peter Duncan, Yasuko Nagazumi, Catherine Schell, Nick Tate, Clifton Jones, Suzanne Peterson (Barbara Bain's double), Quentin Pierre, and Gianni Garko. Mr. Garko is not present for the Johnny Byrne tribute. Space: 1999 Celebration 1 Very moving tributes, doing proud the deceased persons being honoured. I do hate to be the usual lone voice of contention with reference to an all-too-familiar subject, but I cannot help but notice not a single Season 2 clip in either of the two tributes. Mr. Byrne and Mr. Penfold did both write for of Season 2. Surely at least one clip of Season 2 might have been included. "Short-changed" again, Season 2 is. Fred Freiberger did receive a mention. Him and his wife, Shirley. For being so generous in accommodating the Byrnes following the birth of their child. I could sense the tension in the room as the name of Freiberger is said. I guess it would have been too gauche even for Space: 1999 fans, to boo and hiss at that particular moment, but I know what was in people's thoughts. The dark side of the Space: 1999 fan movement is never out of my thoughts. It could not be, as I was a target of it. And this is the "rub". Space: 1999 fans are capable of doing so much good. They can organize an event such as this, and have it be an unqualified success, winning deserved accolates for it from Mr. Garko himself. There are times when I feel as though I am a part of the event, in the room, feeling all of the same emotions as those of the crowd, to the most amusing memories and anecdotes provided by the guests, a further fan-produced mini-episode, this one with narration by Anton Phillips, acting as a follow-up to "Message From Moonbase Alpha", and news of the sad passing of Rosie Badgett, President of the old International Space: 1999 Alliance. Although I do tend to rue the day that I joined fandom back in 1984, I credit Ms. Badgett for responding so warmly to me and welcoming me into the fold. I met her briefly in 1995 when I was at the convention in Norwalk near Los Angeles, and she remembered me and put a hand on my arm. There are some decent people in Space: 1999 fandom. I could object to their tolerance of the vitriolic herd's endless sorties against second season. But I do not doubt that they would not subject me to the same from them personally. I can feel what I will, but as I say, thoughts of the dark side of fandom will always be there in my consciousness. And that dark side is predominant, sadly. Worse than ever in the "social media" age. At some point in time in the video, my old, unfondly remembered nemesis of the city Calgary, stands to say some things. And it is as tough as laying on a bed of nails to listen to him. Whenever I do start to feel mellow about my fandom for Space: 1999 and its place among fans at large, something like this serves as a not-so-gentle reminder of the enormous gap between me and the Space: 1999 fan community. A gap that cannot be bridged, even if I were willing to extend some sections of substructure. I would have enjoyed meeting Mr. Garko and telling him how "Dragon's Domain" effected me. I would have loved to meet Julian Glover and Isla Blair and tell to them how much I enjoyed them in everything in which I saw them. Mingling with all of the other guests in the autograph and display rooms would have been fabulous. If only fandom was not so intransigent and ugly in its partitioning of the two seasons. I could go to events such as this and revel in the enjoyment and fellowship that could be had. But it is my lot in life, my isolation. Here is another video. This one is of the closing ceremomies. I love how Mr. Garko does his Cellini pose with an imagined axe in hand. Yasuko Nagazumi speaks effusively of the kindness of Fred Freiberger. And again I could sense the tension. Multitudes of people straining to stifle themselves until they could be back at their keyboards denouncing the second season producer and his work on Space: 1999. Space: 1999 Celebration 2 I am hoping that more substantial videos of the panel members sharing thoughts, memories, anecdotes, and especially videos giving glimpses of the extended episodes, do surface on Facebook or on YouTube in the days to come. My eyes will be "peeled", for sure. Here is another piece of Space: 1999 news. Readers of my autobiographical Web pages will remember the Mattel Space: 1999 Eagle 1 Spaceship from 1976. The toy that I sought most fervently from 1977 through the late 1970s, and always did not find. Not in the Miramichi. Not in Fredericton. Not in Saint John. Not in Houlton, Presque Isle, or Bangor. Not even in Toronto. It has looked like I was destined never to have the Mattel Eagle. Or a reasonable facsimile. Well, it is being re-released by a British distributor, in a much improved form. In a limited run of 311 copies. It is expensive, on the order of nearly ,000 Canadian dollars. And I bought it. It will be mine when it is released. At last, I will have that toy that I wanted above all others, when I was a boy. And better than what my friends had. Normally, I am not a toy buyer; I left that behind me long before I turned 18. But 11- and 12-year-old me inside of me, wants to at last be able to say that he has it. I may just keep it sealed and in mint condition. I might never touch or move its many parts. I might never have anyone over at my place to whom to show it off. But little Kevin within me craves long, long overdue satisfaction in a long quest. And everything else that I wanted in my youth, has eventually been possible to have. Why not this too? Here are some images of the product. I see now that the item is "sold out". Fortune did smile upon me with regards to Space: 1999 in this instance. I was able to make a purchase while the product was still for sale. I expect that its value will appreciate astronomically because of its rarity. If I should ever need money to live, I could sell it at enormous profit. I pray that day never comes to pass. But with the idiotic choices of the voters of my country, it is a possibility. More possible than it ever was in decades past when my parents were living. All for today. Saturday, September 21, 2024. First full day of autumn, and it certainly feels like it and looks like it. I propose today to leave my focus on Space: 1999 and comment on some new items of news, what few there are, on the matter of LOONEY TUNES COLLECTOR'S CHOICE VOLUME 4. Jerry Beck has revealed three of the cartoons to be on VOLUME 4. "Peck Up Your Troubles" (yawn!). "Lighter Than Hare". "Stork Naked". "Lighter Than Hare" and "Stork Naked" are on DVD in cropped widescreen only. So, some proper 4:3 versions of them are of course welcome. And 4:3 versions are most assuredly what Mr. Beck intends. Word is that they will be bonus cartoons and will not fill slots in the twenty-five main selection cartoons. Good. Good. As for "Peck Up Your Troubles", maybe I was a tad too harsh in my reaction. I suppose that more representation of Sylvester on digital videodisc is a good thing. Of course, with Mr. Beck's preference for pre-1948, it should come as no surprise that unreleased pre-1948 cartoons with the major characters would be favoured by him. I actually thought that "Peck Up Your Troubles" was already on DVD. It is because it was mentioned (with excerpts) so much in LOONEY TUNES GOLDEN COLLECTION documentaries (in archived interviews with Friz Freleng) that I thought that it had been released on DVD. But it was not, and so, here we are. I should, I suppose, be glad to see "Peck Up Your Troubles" and not some ancient 1930s cartoon, stated first as being one of the chosen cartoons for VOLUME 4. Still, I want to be clear. There are much more interesting Sylvester cartoons that still are not released in the digital videodisc age, "Dr. Is that the opinion of the majority of the people who do read what I have to say?

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